The 4th International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreneurship (DIFE) 2023, jointly organized by John Molson School of Business - Concordia University, and Jilin University (China) in cooperation with the Desjardins Centre for Innovation and Financing, will take place 3-4 July 2023 in Montréal, Québec, in-person and online.

It aims to provide academics, policymakers, and practitioners with a valuable forum for discussion and critical analysis of the major issues and challenges that interrelate with Digital & Innovation in all fields of Management Science.


Publication Opportunities

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Meet the Editors

David Audretsch (Editor-in-Chief: Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal)

Sabri Boubaker (Editor-in-Chief: Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting; Editor: Revue Française de Gouvernance d'Entreprise; Guest Editor: Global Finance)

Didier Chabaud (Guest Editor: Management International, RIPME)

Jean-Michel Sahut (Editor: Gestion 2000, Guest Editor: Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, Management International, RIPME)

Denis Schweizer (Associate Editor: British Accounting Review; Guest Editor: Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal)


Details of Paper Submission and Due Date

Interested contributors should submit preferably full papers in PDF files (in English or French), but extended abstracts (1,000 to 1,500 words) may also be considered if they show considerable promise, no later than Mai 31, 2023 (extended deadline) through the conference website. Please note, you will need to create a free account and be logged in to submit your paper or extended abstract.

Early submission is highly encouraged and decision is made as soon as the peer-review is completed. No submission fee is required.

Best paper awards: “Young Researcher Best Paper Awards” and “DIFE 2023 Best paper Award”

The scientific committee offers 2 “Young Researcher Best Paper Awards” to Young Researchers who will present a paper as first author (35 years and younger). Award winning papers can be sent to the Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business for a fast-track reviewing procedure.

The scientific committee also offers a “DIFE 2023 Best Paper Award".


Keynote Prof. David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, USA

David Audretsch is a Distinguished Professor and the Ameritech Chair of Economic Development at Indiana University, where he also serves as director of the Institute for Development Strategies. He is an Honorary Professor of Industrial Economics and Entrepreneurship at the WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany and a part-time professor of entrepreneurship at the University of Klagenfurt in Austria.

Audretsch’s research has focused on the links between entrepreneurship, government policy, innovation, economic development, and global competitiveness. He is co-author of The Seven Secrets of Germany, published by Oxford University Press. He is co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal. He was recognized as a 2021 Clarivate Citation Laureate and awarded the Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research by the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum. He has received honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Augsburg in Germany, Jonköping University in Sweden, and the University of Siegen in Germany. Audretsch was also awarded the Schumpeter Prize from the University of Wuppertal in Germany.



Conference chairs: Prof. Denis Schweizer (JMSB, CA), Prof. Jean-Michel Sahut (IDRAC, FR), Prof. Juliane Proelss (JMSB, CA), Prof. Yang Song (Jilin University, CN)

Organizing committee: Prof. Denis Schweizer (JMSB, CA), Prof. Juliane Proelss (JMSB, CA), CREADIF




















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