Small Business Economics (ABS 3, Fnege cat. 2, ABDC A, SSCI Impact 8.2, CiteScore 10.7)
Hosted together with the Workshop on Entrepreneurial Finance During a Period of Crises
The British Accounting Review (ABS 3, Fnege cat. 3, ABDC A*, SSCI Impact 4.8, CiteScore 7.3)
Hosted together with the Workshop on Digitalization in Accounting
Global Finance Journal (ABS 2, Fnege cat. 4, ABDC A, SSCI Impact 2.9, CiteScore 4.6)
Hosted together with the Special Interest Group on Innovation and Capital Markets
The International Journal of Accounting (ABS 3, Fnege cat.3, ABDC A, SSCI, CiteScore 4.0)
Hosted together with the general track of the conference as well as the Workshop on Fintech, and the Special Interest Group on Innovation and Capital Markets
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ABS 2, Fnege cat. 4)
Hosted together with the general track of the conference as well as the Workshop on Fintech, Workshop on Entrepreneurship / Sessions sur l'Entrepreneuriat and the Workshop on Entrepreneurial Finance During a Period of Crises
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting (ABS 2, ABDC B, SSCI Impact 2.9, CiteScore 3.0)
Hosted together with the Special Interest Group on Innovation and Capital Markets
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (ABS 1, ABDC C, SSCI Impact 1.4, CiteScore 2.6)
Hosted together with the general track of the conference
Management International / International Management / Gestiòn Internacional (Fnege cat. 2)
Special issue on : Digital platforms as interfirm networks enabling innovation in an international context.
Hosted together with the general track of the conference as well as the Workshop on Fintech, Workshop on Entrepreneurship / Sessions sur l'Entrepreneuriat
Revue Internationale PME (Fnege cat. 2)
Numéro spécial sur : Les écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux : du local au numérique
Hosted together with Workshop on Entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurial ecosystem)
Gestion 2000 (Fnege cat.3, Scopus) supports the DIFE conference since its creation
Hosted together with the Workshop on Tourism & Innovation as well as the general track of the conference
Revue Française de Gouvernance d'Entreprise (Fnege cat. 4)
Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice – Series D (Scopus)
Communication & Management (Fnege cat. 4), numéro special sur "Réseaux sociaux et Management"
Journal Quality Lists:
- Academic Journal Guide (ABS list)
- FNEGE Journal Quality List
- ABDC Journal Quality List
- Social Sciences Citation Index (Impact Factor)
- Scopus (CiteScore)