Workshops > Workshop on Tourism & Innovation
Chair: Prof. Emmanuel Fragnière, HES-SO Valais-Wallis (CH) & Nathalie Gardes, University of Bordeaux (Fr) Tourism is certainly one of the economic sectors that has been the most exposed to digitization over the last decade. Let us just mention companies like Easyjet, Ryanair, AirBnB and Uber that have contributed to a new form of tourism called e-tourism. Electronic tourism means that all touchpoints of the Customer Journey (CJ) are handled through global digitized platforms. The change has been so sudden and disruptive that “traditional” tourism is struggling to adapt to this new tourism paradigm. The aim of this track is to discuss about this rapid evolution of e-tourism to understand it and to anticipate new trends and innovation potentials. We are interested in any kinds of approaches (theoretical, empirical as well as practitioner-oriented) to improve the general knowledge in digital and innovation in general in tourism because innovations are not only digital. A special issue in GESTION 2000 will be published after the conference: http://gestion2000.ichec.be Papers can be submited in French or English in Gestion 2000 (Scopus, Fnege cat. 3), but all articles will be published in English. Contact this chairman to submit your paper : emmanuel.fragniere at hevs.ch
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