Workshops > Workshop on Entrepreneurship / Sessions sur l'Entrepreneuriat
This workshop will allow researchers and practitioners discuss and exchange with their colleagues from around the world in the field of entrepreneurship. For researchers who cannot travel to Montréal, the hybrid mode of the conference will allow them to participate, and exchange with in person attendees. This workshop has partnered with leading management journals to publish the best papers presented at the conference such as Revue Internationale PME (Fnege cat. 2), Management International (papers on Digital platforms and Entrepreneurship, Fnege cat. 2), International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Scopus, ABS 2), and Gestion 2000 (Scopus, Fnege 3). All areas of entrepreneurship are eligible, and special sessions on the following topics will be held:
S1: For a better understanding of the entrepreneurial ecosystem Chairs: Prof. Jean-Michel Sahut (IDRAC, FR), Prof. Didier Chabaud (IAE Paris-Sorbonne, FR), Ass. Prof. Christina Theodoraki (TBS, FR) & Dr. Grégory Gueneau (ADALIA, MA) In an entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) environment under tension due to the multiplicity of support actors, this special interest group invites researchers to consider the following questions, amons others, to better understand EE and their impacts:
Contact the chairman to submit your paper to this workshop: diflyon2018 at gmail.com
S2: Family Firms, Entrepreneurship and Digital transformation Chair: Prof. Gérard Hirigoyen, Professor Emerita, University of Bordeaux (FR) The sustainability of the family business lies on its ability to transform and innovate through time and environment evolutions. Taking into account that the digital innovation is crucial for the family business specialy in terms of opportunities and threats created, this innovation can also deeply change their business model. Despite this fact, many elements specific to these companies would plead for an easy integration of the digital challenge. Thus, several questions are raised, among which we can select the following issues; Is the digital innovation have an impact on the family governance model? Is the time conception of the family business compatible with the digital innovation imperatives ? What's the impact of digital innovation on family business performance? How the family firm manager is facing the digital innovation? How to drive the change induced by digital innovation within family gouvernance; Older versus younger generation? And finally, how about changes in the family network culture within a digital innovation process? Contact the chairman to submit your paper: gerard.hirigoyen at u-bordeaux.fr |
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